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The efficacy and role of loofah pulp


The loofah pulp is the vascular bundle of the dried and mature fruit of the Cucurbitaceae plant loofah. Mainly produced in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. According to traditional medicine, loofah pulp is sweet and flat in nature, and belongs to the lung, stomach, and liver meridian. swelling and pain.


Loofah pulp has the functions of expelling wind, dredging collaterals, promoting blood circulation, and breastfeeding.
Dispelling wind and dredging collaterals:
Loofah pulp has mild medicinal properties, can unblock meridians and blood vessels, and is good at dispelling wind and dredging collaterals. It can be used to treat rheumatic arthralgia and meridian spasms.
Live blood:
The loofah pulp enters the liver meridian, which can dredge collaterals and activate blood circulation, and can improve chest and hypochondrium pain caused by disharmony of qi and blood and blocked meridians.
The loofah pulp enters the liver meridian, can unblock the breast collaterals, and also has certain effects of detoxification, dredging collaterals, reducing swelling and dispelling stagnation. Therefore, it can be used to treat milk blockage and mastitis swelling and pain.

modern application

1. Loofah pulp has anti-inflammatory and analgesic pharmacological effects. It can be used in combination with other medicine tablets to treat rheumatic arthralgia or other orthopedic diseases. Common Chinese patent medicines include Huamoyan Granules and Wind-dispelling Liquid.

2. Loofah pulp is often used to treat postpartum milk retention. Common Chinese patent medicines include Tongluo raw milk syrup, Kunyuan Tongru oral liquid, raw milk tablets, etc.

3. Loofah pulp can also be used in conjunction with other drugs to treat breast-related diseases, such as endogenous lactobacillus.

It should be noted that everyone should use Chinese patent medicines rationally and not use them at will. When you need medication, you should consult your doctor or pharmacist to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the medication.

people suitble

Loofah pulp is suitable for patients with rheumatic arthralgia;
Rheumatic arthralgia:
Loofah pulp can unblock the meridians and blood vessels, and is good at expelling wind and dredging collaterals. It can be used to treat rheumatic arthralgia, meridian spasms, and improve symptoms such as joint pain, muscle pain, and limited mobility.
Chest and hypochondrium pain:
Loofah pulp can dredge collaterals and activate blood circulation, and can improve chest and hypochondrium pain caused by disharmony of qi and blood and blocked meridians.
Those who are unable to breastfeed:
The loofah pulp can pass milk, and can be used for postpartum breast milk to increase milk volume and improve milk quality.
It should be noted that this product is mostly used in combination with other drugs to treat the above diseases. The specific prescription should be formulated by the doctor according to the patient's condition, constitution, and drug combination. There are individual differences. Please do not use it blindly.

taboo crowd

People with diarrhea should not take a large amount.
Loofah pulp has a certain effect of benefiting the intestines. People with diarrhea should not take it in large quantities, so as not to aggravate symptoms.


This product is often used in combination with other traditional Chinese medicines in traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions. Generally, it needs to be decocted and taken orally. It should be noted that the specific method of decocting medicine, such as the amount of water added, decocting time, decocting times, etc., needs to follow the doctor's advice to ensure that the medicinal liquid can exert its corresponding curative effect.


The commonly used clinical dosage is 5-12g, but due to the different conditions and constitutions of each patient, there will be individual differences in the specific dosage. Please use this product strictly according to the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

Not suitable for use together

The contraindications for the combined use of this product are not yet clear. To ensure the safety and effectiveness of the drug, if you need to use other drugs together during the use of this product, please consult your doctor or pharmacist.

Kind tips

Loofah is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine. If you need to take this product to treat diseases or regulate your body, it is recommended that you take this product under the guidance of a doctor to avoid the risk of medication.

reference source

National Pharmacopoeia Commission. The Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China: Instructions for Clinical Drug Use: Chinese Herbal Pieces Volume. 2015 Edition. Beijing: China Medical Science and Technology Press, 2017.514-515.

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