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Chinese version of male human body acupoint map [high-definition diagrams from front and back]

 Meridian points refer to the points on the fourteen meridians. The fourteen meridians refer to the twelve serious meridians in the meridian theory of traditional Chinese medicine (hand Taiyin lung meridian, hand Jueyin pericardium meridian, hand Shaoyin heart meridian, Hand Yangming large intestine meridian, Hand Shaoyang triple Jiao meridian, Hand Sun small intestine meridian, Foot Yangming stomach Meridian, Foot Shaoyang Gallbladder Meridian, Full Sun Bladder Meridian, Foot Taiyin Spleen Meridian, Foot Jueyin Liver Meridian and Foot Shaoyin Kidney Meridian) plus the Du Channel and Ren Channel, a total of 14 meridians. There are a total of 361 meridians. This article explains in detail the male acupoints and the acupoint maps of the fourteen meridians.

    1, Bladder Meridian Point FIG

    Main Entry: full sun bladder meridian , about points located on the Bladder Meridian each of 67, a total of 134:

    eye point , Cuanzhu , eyebrow red points , curved difference points , five at points , the Order of light points , Babel points , network points but , jade pillow hole , Tianzhu points , Dazhu , throttle points , Feishu , Jueyin shu , heart shu points , Governor shu , Geshu , Ganshu , Danshu , Pishu , Weishu , Sanjiaoshu , Shenshu , Qihaishu , Dachangshu, Guanyuanshu , Xiaochangshu , Bladdershu , Zhonglingshu , Baihuanshu , Shangliao , Ciliao , Zhongliao , Xialiao , Huiyang , Chengfu , Yinmen cave , floating cleft points , Committee Yang points , Weizhong , attachment points points , soul families cave , Gaohuangshu points , Shentang points , Yi laugh hole , diaphragm off the hole , the soul of the door hole , Yang Gang hole , meaning round hole, stomach Cang Point, Xiaomen Point, Zhishi Point, Supiao Point, Zhibian Point, Heyang Point, Chengjin Point, Chengshan Point , Feiyang Point, Tarsalong Point, Kunlun Point, Pushen Point, Shenmai Point, Jinmen Point Point, Jinggu Point, Shugu Point, Foot Tonggu Point, Zhiyin Point.
    Acupoints of the bladder meridian
    2. Acupoint map of the Liver Channel of Foot Jueyin

    Main Entry: Foot Pericardium Meridian liver ; Jueyin foot positioned about respective points on the liver 14, a total of 28:

    Dadun hole , between the lines points , Taichong , the seal hole , calabash groove hole , are hole , knee point , Ququan cave , Yin package cave , foot-five points , Yin Lian points , anxious Maixue , chapter door hole , LR14 .
    Acupoint Chart of the Liver Channel of Foot Jueyin

    Main items of the acupoint map of the Gallbladder Meridian of Foot Shaoyang: 44 acupoints on the Gallbladder Meridian of Foot Shaoyang; there are 44 acupoints on the left and right sides of the Gallbladder Meridian of Foot Shaoyang, 88 points in total:

    Tongzili, Tinghui , Shangguan, Chi Misi, Xuanku, Xuanli, Qu Temple, Ligu, Tianchong, Fubai, Touqiaoyin, Wangu, Benshen, Yangbai, Toulinqi, Mu Chuang, Zhengying, Chengling, Brain Kong, Fengchi , Jianjing , Yuanaxillin , Zhujin , Riyue, Jingmen, Bandai, Wushu, Weidao , ranking liao points, Huantiao, wind City point, the hole in the ditch, knee Yang customs points ,Yanglingquan , Yangjiao, Waiqiu, Guangming, Yangfu, Xuanzhong, Qiuxu, Zulinqi, Diwuhui, Xiaxi, Zuqiaoyin.
    Foot Shaoyang Gallbladder Meridian Point Chart
    4. Acupoint map of the Heart Meridian of Hand Shaoyin

    Main entry: Shaoyin Heart Meridian of Hand; 9 acupoints on the left and right sides of Heart Meridian of Hand Shaoyin, totaling 18 points:

    Jiquan , Qingling, Shaohai, Lingdao, Tongli, Yinqi, Shenmen , Shaofu, and Shaochong.
    Hand Shaoyin Heart Channel Acupoint Map
    5. Acupoint map of the Spleen Meridian of the Foot Taiyin

    Main entry: Spleen Meridian of the Foot Taiyin; 21 points on the left and right of the Spleen Meridian of the Foot Taiyin, 42 points in total:

    Yinbai, Dadu, Taibai , Gongsun, Shangqiu , Sanyinjiao leakage Valley points, the machine points , Yin Yanglingquan point , Xuehai , Kei door hole, red door pockets, the government rounded point, abdominal junction points, large horizontal hole, abdominal sad cavity, food sinuses, days River point , chest township points, Zhou Rong hole, big hole package .
    Foot Taiyin Spleen Meridian Acupoint Map
    6. Acupoint Map of the Large Intestine Meridian of Hand Yangming

    Main item: Points of the Large Intestine Meridian of Hand Yangming; 20 acupoints on the left and right sides of the Large Intestine Meridian of Hand Yangming, 40 points in total:

    Shangyang , Erjian , Sanjian , Hegu hole, Yangxi Point, Pianli Point, Wenliu Point, Xialian Point, Shanglian Point, Shousanli Point, Quchi Point, Xuanliao Point, Shouwuli Point, Arming Point, Jianping Point, Giant Bone Point, Tianding, Futu, Kouhelian, Yingxiang .
    Hand Yangming Large Intestine Meridian Point Diagram
    7. Hand Sun Small Intestine Meridian

    Main article: Hand Sun Small Intestine Meridian ; 19 acupuncture points on the Hand Sun Small Intestine Meridian on the left and right, 38 in total:

    Shaoze, Qiangu, Houxi, Carpal Bone, Yanggu , pension points, Bracing hole, a small sea cave, shoulder Chen temple, Er shu, T'ientsung , Bing wind point, Qu Yuan points, shu outside shoulder, shoulder shu, skylight hole, the day the pockets, Quanliao Point, Tinggong Point.
    Hand Sun Small Intestine Meridian Point Diagram
    8, lunar hand lung meridian

    Main Entry: lunar hand lung meridian ; points on the left and right hand Lunar lung 11 each, a total of 22:

    House Point , Cloud Point Gate, tianfu point, white point Xia, Ze-foot Acupuncture point, hole most acupuncture point, Liewei point , Jingqu point, Taiyuan point, Yuji point, Shaoshang point.
    Hand Taiyin Lung Meridian Acupoint Map

    Main items of the acupoint map of the Stomach Meridian of Foot Yangming: 45 points on the left and right acupoints on the Stomach Meridian of Foot Yangming, 90 points in total:

   Chengqi , Sibai, Juliao, Di warehouse hole, big welcome points, buccal car points, Shimonoseki points, head-dimensional points , people greet hole, sudden pockets of water, air pockets homes, Quepen hole , household air pockets, the Treasury points, Wuyi point, Ying window hole, Ruzhong and Rugen, Burong Point, Chengman Point, Liangmen Point, Guanmen Point, Taiyi Point, Huaroumen Point, Tianshu Point, Wailing Point, Daju Point, Shuidao Point, Guilai Point, Qichong Point, Tiguan Point, Futu , Yinshi, Liangqiu, Dubi, Zusanli , Shangjuxu, Tiaokou , Xiajuxu, Fenglong , Jiexi , Chongyang, Xinggu, Inner Court and Lidui points.

    Foot Yangming Stomach Meridian Acupoint Map
    10. Map of acupoints in the pericardium meridian of Hand Jueyin

    Main article: acupoints in the pericardium meridian of Hand Jueyin; 9 acupoints on the left and right sides of the pericardium meridian of Hand Jueyin, totaling 18 points:

    Tianchi, Tianquan, Quze, Yunmen Points, Jianshi, Neiguan , Daling, Laogong , and Zhongchong .
    Hand Jueyin Pericardium Meridian Point Chart
    11. Acupoint map of the Foot Shaoyin Kidney Meridian

    Main entry: Foot Shaoyin Kidney Meridian points ; 27 acupoints on the Foot Shaoyin Kidney Meridian on the left and right

    sides , 54 points in total: Yongquan , Rangu , Taixi , Da Zhong, Shuiquan, Zhaohai , Fuliu , Jiaoxin, Zhubin, Yingu, Henggu , Dahe , Qi, Siman, Zhongzhu, Xingshu, Shangqu Acupoints, Shiguan, Yindu, Futonggu, Youmen, Bulang, Shenfeng, Lingxu, Shenzang, Yuzhong, Yufu.
    Acupoints of Foot Shaoyin Kidney Channel
    12. Acupoint map of the Sanjiao Meridian of Hand Shaoyang

    Main article: Acupoints of the Sanjiao Channel; There are 23 acupoints on the left and right of the Sanjiao meridian of Hand Shaoyang, 46 in total:

    Guanchong, Yemen, Zhongzhu, Yangchi, Waiguan, Zhigou, Huizong, Sanyangluo Acupoints, Sidu, Tianjing, Qinglenyuan, Xiaolu, Xinghui, Jianliu, Tianliao, Tianyan, Yifeng, Zhumai, Skull, Jiaosun, Earmen Acupoints, ear and liu acupoints, Sizhu Kong acupoints .
    Hand Shaoyang Sanjiao Meridian Acupoint Map
    13, Du Point FIG

    Main Entry: Du points ; points located on Du of 28:

    long strong point , waist shu, Yaoyangguan points, Mingmen , suspension pivot points, the ridge point, the central point , muscle contraction points, to Yang points , Lingtai hole, Shinto hole , body column points , Tao Tao points , Dazhui , dumb door hole , wind House point, brain households hole, strong between points, after the top hole, Baihui , before Ding, Fontanhui, Shangxing, Shenting, Suliao, Shuigou , Duiduan, Gingjiao.
    Du Channel Acupoint Map
    14, Ren FIG Point

    Main article: Ren points ; points located on Ren 24 has:

    Zhiyin, curved bone hole , the very point , Guanyuan, Shimen hole , sea air hole , vaginal hole , Shenque , water hole , under the abdominal cavity , built in the hole , in the abdominal cavity , Shangwan points , Juque points , dove tail hole , atrium hole , Tanzhong , Yutang , Zigong, Huagai, Xuanji, Tiantu, Lianquan, Chengjiang.
    Renmai acupoint map

   [Disclaimer] The human body acupoint maps and information published on this site are for reference only. Please consult your local hospital physician for related operations such as acupuncture and moxibustion.

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