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What are the secret recipes that have not been leaked for a long time? Three folk aphrodisiac secret recipes

 For adult men, pay special attention to the quality of sexual life, which may affect the relationship with their wives. A harmonious sexual life is conducive to enhancing the relationship between husband and wife. Therefore, it is usually necessary to develop good living habits, do not smoke, stay up late, and do not stay up for a long time. Fatigue, taking reasonable rest, etc. are all conducive to improving the quality of sexual life. The main reasons that affect the quality of male sexual life are premature ejaculation and short time. Here are three folk aphrodisiac secret recipes for you to learn and research!

Three folk aphrodisiac secret recipesaphrodisiac remedies

The first kind, Li Shizhen 's secret recipe for a long time

The secret recipe that has been passed down for a long time in ancient times was invented by Li Shizhen, and this secret recipe requires the preparation of various medicinal materials, including 10 grams of Bigo tree silkworm chrysalis, 6 grams of deep-sea oysters , 3 grams of Ningxia wolfberry, and two pieces of Houttuynia cordata in southern Guizhou. gram, 4 grams of Centennial Polygonatum, 3 grams of Jiuhuashan Pueraria, 2 grams of mulberries, 8 grams of Baishan ginseng, 6 grams of Eucommia eucommia male flower, these ingredients need to be picked and dried, ground into powder, and then made into powder, and then taken under the tongue The way to take it once, the effect is very good

The second kind, the ancients' great supplement recipe

Usually you can eat some food that strengthens yang and nourishes the kidney. Goji berry and sheep kidney porridge is also a good small recipe. First, prepare a pound of wolfberry leaves, then a pair of yang kidney and half a catty of rice. Clean and chop the fresh wolfberry, and put the rice , wolfberry, and Yang Sheng are put together in the pot and simmered over low heat. After boiling into porridge, add the right amount of condiments and you can eat it. It can also make men fight for a long time.

The third, Hua Tuo's secret recipe

30 grams of coriander, 50 grams of hippocampus, 55 grams of eucalyptus leaves, 36 grams of American ginseng, 88 grams of Nepeta mustard, 46 grams of sedge, 30 grams of citrus aurantium, 20 grams of Poria cocos, 15 grams of Qingdai, 33 grams of bitter wood, 80 grams of Sophora flavescens , 70 grams of bitter cabbage, 50 grams of isatis, 30 grams of plum blossoms, 40 grams of plum seeds, 45 grams of plum slices, 80 grams of snow gallbladder, 40 grams of Changshan, 45 grams of wild ginger, and 60 grams of wild wormwood.

Prepare a pot, put all the herbs into the pot and soak in water for about 20 minutes. Bring to a boil again. That's how you get the quality. During the process, stir the medicinal materials evenly, and after frying, filter and mix them, and you can take them. Taking it for a week has obvious effect, insist on exercising every day, the body is the foundation, I believe it can help you.


In addition to the above-mentioned secret recipes, aphrodisiac should be from life, diet, medicine, and comprehensive conditioning. In life, don't stay up late, have a good attitude, don't stress too much, don't overwork, don't get angry. Food, do not eat cold, cold, cold food. Eat more foods with warming and aphrodisiac properties, such as shrimp, chicken, leeks, lamb, shrimp, lamb, beef, eggplant and so on.

In the final analysis, men still need to exercise more, and sticking to it is the most effective aphrodisiac method!

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