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Folk remedies to get rid of underarm odor


1 , pepper iodine treatment of underarm odor, paprika An appropriate amount of time needs to be placed among iodine soaked for two weeks, morning and evening, after wiping clean, underarm perspiration, swab dampened in the armpit, armpit odor after wiping can generally improve.

2. To treat underarm odor with pepper longan nucleus, you need to prepare appropriate amount of pepper and longan nucleus, then mix them together and grind them into a powder and apply it to the underarm position, which has a good therapeutic effect on body odor.


3. To treat body odor with alum, prepare empty egg shells and put an appropriate amount of alum into it. The alum can be dissolved after heating with a low heat. After the alum cools and hardens, then Yancheng powder will be wiped on the underarm position. Wipe twice a day. For the underarm odor It will gradually reduce, and mild underarm odor can be cured.

4 , borneol treatment of underarm odor of alcohol, which alcohol amount into borneol, self-sealing after dissolution, and then prepare soapy water armpit position, after the cotton swab dampened wipe dry with drugs, long-term use can be cured underarm odor .

5 , the day after a bath to prepare a basin of warm water add some tomato juice with a towel were caught in the armpit position remains fifteen minutes, can effectively improve the underarm odor of symptoms , usually adhere to a few days can be effective.


6 , talcum powder amount, amount elixir, Viola amount, to prepare a powder dust, wipe underarm positions for underarm odor effect cure.

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