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Five diet remedies have miraculous effects for reducing phlegm


Folk Remedies Daquan collects five dietary remedies for you to reduce phlegm, as follows:
White radish and pepper soup to reduce qi and phlegm
[Ingredients] 1 white radish, 5 white pepper, 3 ginger, 1 tangerine peel.
[Preparation Usage] Add proper amount of water and decoct for 30 minutes. Take twice daily.
[Efficacy and Indications] Lower Qi to eliminate phlegm. Govern cough and excessive sputum.
Treating lung heat and yellow phlegm with bamboo porridge
[Ingredients] 30 grams of bamboo leeks and 100 grams of japonica rice.
[Preparation usage] First, wash the japonica rice, add some water and cook it to make porridge, put in bamboo leeks before it is ripe, stir well and turn off the heat. Eat freely.
[Efficacy and Indications] Clearing away heat, eliminating phlegm, and relieving shock. Indications of wind-heat phlegm fire, lung-heat cough, yellow phlegm.
Eat peanuts regularly to nourish the lungs and reduce phlegm
[Ingredients] 60 grams of peanuts.
[System Usage] Eat raw or cooked. Eat daily without interruption, and stop after recovery.
[Efficacy and Indications] Moisturize the lungs and resolve phlegm. Governance of chronic bronchitis in the elderly. Do not eat if there is a deficiency of fire or excess fever.
Candied Shuangren Nourishes the Kidney and the Lung
[Ingredients] 500 grams of honey, 250 grams of sweet almonds and walnuts.
[Usage] First, stir-fry the sweet almonds in an iron pan until yellow (don't burn, don't put oil), put them in an aluminum pan and boil for 1 hour, then add the walnuts, add honey when the juice is collected and the pan is dry. Mix well, then boil and serve. 3 grams per serving, 2 times a day.
[Efficacy and Indications] Nourishes the lungs and nourishes the kidneys. Regular consumption can treat chronic cough and asthma caused by the deficiency of both lungs and kidneys.
Treatment of phlegm-drinking coagulation syndrome with ocher white radish seeds
[Ingredients] White radish seeds (called "raisins" in Chinese medicine) are 15 grams each and 9 grams of raw ocher powder.
[Preparation usage] First, mash the raw white radish seeds to cook a large bowl of soup, take the raw ocher fines, half an hour later, use this recipe once again.
[Efficacy and Indications] Eliminate accumulation of phlegm. For the treatment of phlegm coagulation syndrome.
It is also effective to use the decoction of raisins decoction to stop the phlegm and stay for drinking. The method is to take the raspberry seed powder into warm boiled water, drink more hot water, probe the throat with a finger, and spit out the phlegm after drinking, which has the same effect as the decoction.

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