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What to drink for the fastest and easiest way to hangover


Chinese traditional wine is brewed with grain as raw materials. Chinese wine culture is to drink a few cups happily in times of trouble. It will not hurt the body but also relieve the cold and cure diseases, or drink two cups of wine to warm up when it is cold. Up to the present, Chinese wine culture has become a drinker. Too much alcohol deposits in the body is very harmful, but there are many times when you have to drink. It is recommended to eat more anti-alcoholic foods after drinking.

What to drink for the fastest hangover

1. Green tea


Green tea has diuretic, refreshing and enhancing effects. Drinking green tea after drinking can help the metabolism of alcohol, help the discharge of alcohol, and prevent excessive accumulation of alcohol in the body from affecting diseases. After drinking too much, you will feel less sober, so you need to drink green tea to help refresh your brain and keep you sober after drinking. Friends who drink and talk about business must remember to drink tea while drinking, so that they can stay sober and not make a fool of themselves.

2. Celery Fruit Juice

After a hangover, there is still alcohol in the body, nausea, vomiting, and headache. After a hangover, you can drink celery fruit juice to hangover. Celery has the effects of calming the liver, cooling blood, and refreshing the brain. Celery can be used to relieve headaches after alcohol, and celery has a laxative pain that can relieve alcohol toxins in the stomach and intestines. Combine celery with tomatoes, bananas, grapes and other fruits. What's more, bananas have the effect of protecting the stomach and can help the stomach and intestines recover after drinking. Celery and fruits have a large amount of vitamins to help the skin recover. It is a hangover method suitable for women after drunk.

3. Lemon honey hangover

If you don’t like to drink and have a lot of power, you can drink lemon honey tea after drinking for hangover. Lemon has high vitamin C and has a diuretic function. Honey has a hangover ingredient. Drinking lemon honey immediately after drinking can help. The excretion of alcohol toxins from the body can also help no signs of hangover the next day.

The easiest way to sober up

1. Eat sober soup

Eating hangover soup has the effect of treating bad conditions and gastrointestinal nausea caused by hangovers. The taste of common hangover soup is usually hot and sour. The sourness has an appetizing effect. A hangover usually has a bitter taste in the mouth. Slightly spicy eating will make the appetite open. The method of production is put Congjiang Suan, Chen vinegar , oil, there are a lot of kimchi, go down to the pot into the mushroom and beef fat sheep, after you eat cooked

2. Edible seaweed soup

Seaweed soup with a hangover, and South Korea has always been a custom to drink seaweed soup hangover, it will kelp washed with water, soaked in bubble kelp when the beef with garlic, sesame oil, pepper marinated with powder, kelp bubble When finished, pour them into the pot and cook the soup, boil on high heat, and simmer for 20 minutes on low heat. Add a small amount of salt and a little green onion before serving.

Conclusion: Through the above introduction, I believe that everyone knows what to drink for the fastest hangover and the easiest way to hangover. These can be done at home. I hope you can use it more to relieve the pain after drinking.

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