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Chinese medicine to prevent new coronavirus, new pneumonia prevention Chinese medicine prescription

During the epidemic of the new coronavirus pneumonia, many professionals believed that there is no specific medicine for the new coronavirus, and only symptomatic treatment and supportive treatment can be taken. However, many patients have noticeably improved after treatment with Chinese medicine. Today, I will introduce the methods of Chinese medicine to prevent the new coronavirus.

1. Chinese medicine prevention and treatment plans for the new coronavirus are issued in various places

In Western medicine, there is no specific medicine for the new coronavirus, and hormone therapy can only control inflammation and relieve discomfort. However, Chinese medicine has already taken the lead in the prevention and treatment of the new coronavirus. At present, health institutions in many regions of my country have issued Chinese medicine prevention and treatment plans for the new coronavirus. The fifth and sixth editions of the new coronary pneumonia diagnosis and treatment plan also clearly put forward the traditional Chinese medicine treatment plan for the new coronavirus pneumonia.

2. Is it true that Chinese medicine prevents the new coronavirus?

There is indeed no professional experimental data to prove which Chinese medicine can prevent the new coronavirus. Then, in actual observations, Chinese medicine can indeed prevent and treat the new coronavirus. The theories of Chinese medicine and Western medicine are completely different, which often causes many misunderstandings. In fact, Chinese medicine uses syndrome differentiation and treatment to improve the body's righteousness and expel pathogens, so as to achieve the effect of disease prevention and treatment.

3. Chinese medicine prescriptions for the prevention of new pneumonia

Due to different factors such as the environment, climate, and the quality of the population, the TCM prevention programs prescribed are also different. For details, please refer to the programs issued by the local health committee. Do not use the prescriptions circulating on the Internet. Coronavirus pneumonia is a pandemic in Chinese medicine. It can be divided into cold-damp lungs, damp-heat accumulating lungs, and cold-dampness obstructing lungs. The specific treatment plan also varies from person to person.

Conclusion: Traditional Chinese medicine prevents the new coronavirus, although there is no professional experimental data to prove it. However, in actual observations, Chinese medicine does have a certain effect in preventing the new coronavirus. When western medicine is at a loss, you can choose Chinese medicine for prevention under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine.

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