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5 super easy ways to thin your face to share with you!


5 super easy ways to thin your face to share with you!

Many people are often dissatisfied with their face shape or size, hoping to find a way to thin their face or adjust their face shape; and this editor will sort out and share five ultra-simplified face-lifting methods for you, hoping to help To every reader.

(The following pictures are taken from Xiaohongshu)

Face-lifting method one: healthy eating

The most basic first step for face-lifting is to control whether the food in the stomach is healthy;

Many foods are taboos for people who want to thin their faces, such as fried foods, sweets, etc., which can easily cause edema, facial swelling, and facial fat accumulation;

Try to choose low-sugar fruits and vegetables, prototype meats, balanced diet, reduce the intake of processed foods, etc. In addition, you should also drink enough water to help your body's metabolism.

Face-lifting method 2: Lifting massage

From the position of the chin and nose, repeat the pull-up massage on both sides of the muscles, extending to the position of the sun moon (about 30 times back and forth);

This action can help stretch and stretch facial muscles, help reduce edema, and promote blood circulation.

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Face-lifting method 3: cheekbones and nose massage

The third method of face-lifting is to massage back and forth from our cheekbones to the bridge of the nose (about 30 times back and forth);

This action can pressurize our facial acupuncture points, achieve smooth blood flow on the face, promote facial metabolism, and coordinate facial skin oil secretion.

Remember to wash your hands before massage! Otherwise, it is easy to bring bacteria from the hands to the face, causing skin inflammation and other problems.


Face-lift method 4: large-scale facial massage

Move the index finger along the bridge of the nose, first push up to the forehead, and then massage to the temples on both sides, presenting an epileptic L shape, which can effectively remove the forehead wrinkles and reduce the accumulation of edema (30 back and forth)

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Face-lifting method five: eye socket massage

Many people often have dark circles in the eye sockets because they can’t sleep well, so that the area will become dull and accumulate moisture and oil;

Therefore, if possible, massage this area frequently. In addition to reducing the formation of dark circles, it can also promote blood circulation in the eye sockets and tear grooves, indirectly help the metabolism of the face, and achieve the effect of thinning the face.

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The above is a method for you to sort out how to refresh yourself. I hope to help you readers. Thank you:)

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