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What kind of food can girls eat when their hands and feet are cold


Now the temperature gradually cool, many women will have cold hands and feet, especially in winter, the phenomenon of cold hands and feet will be more obvious. So what way can girls relieve their cold hands and feet in winter? On diet, what kind of conditioning is better for girls' cold hands and feet?

What do girls eat when their hands and feet are cold

1、 mutton

Mutton is a very common kind of meat. From the point of view of invigorating the spleen and invigorating the spleen, it has the effect of invigorating the spleen and nourishing the spleen. Girls with cold hands and feet should eat more mutton, which can effectively improve the cold hands and feet, warm limbs and soft waist and knees. And often eat mutton can improve anorexia, dyspepsia and other symptoms. But we should pay attention to physical Yin deficiency or the presence of fire, constipation people do not recommend eating mutton.

2. Black beans

Black bean is a kind of legume plant soybean. It is rich in protein, vitamin B and vitamin E. it can not only supplement the nutrients needed by the body, but also improve the skin condition. Especially, black beans are rich in anthocyanins. Women often eat black beans, which can play a role in beauty, beauty and aging. Black beans also have the function of tonifying blood and nourishing the kidney. Women with cold hands and feet should drink more black soybean milk, which can provide energy for the body and improve the symptoms of chilly fear

3. Jujube

Red jujube is the most common warm tonic, with the effect of Tonifying Qi, nourishing blood and calming nerves. It can be eaten as a snack, can also be soaked in water or boiled soup to drink. Women often eat jujube or use jujube to soak in water instead of tea, which can promote systemic blood circulation, improve anemia, cold hands and feet and other symptoms. And jujube also contains rich vitamin C, adhere to eating can also play a role in beauty.

4. Wolfberry

Wolfberry taste sweet, flat, with nourishing liver and kidney, Yijing Mingmu, Yangxue Huoxue effect. Women with long-term cold hands and feet should eat more medlar or use medlar instead of tea, which can not only improve the symptoms of fear of cold, but also play a role in protecting eyesight and relieving fatigue. Studies have shown that regular consumption of Lycium barbarum can also regulate blood lipids and blood sugar.

Conclusion: Girl's hands and feet cold, what to eat? Girls cold hands and feet can eat some warm food, such as mutton, wolfberry, red dates, longan and so on. This kind of food has the effect of tonifying kidney and strengthening yang, warming meridians and activating blood circulation. If women eat this kind of food properly, it can effectively alleviate and improve the cold phenomenon of hands and feet.

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