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The miraculous prescriptions for curing diabetes, 5 prescriptions for lowering blood sugar


Today, when eating better and moving less and less, people with diabetes have become very common. Everyone knows that diabetic people have to control their mouths and open their legs. It seems that they are very unfree. Therefore, many people will look for miraculous cures for diabetes. Does this really exist?

1. The miraculous prescriptions for curing diabetes

First of all, I can tell everyone responsibly not to pursue the so-called miraculous prescriptions for radical cure of diabetes. This does not exist. Folk remedies can achieve alleviating effects, but they are far from being able to cure them. Western medicine treatment can control the condition. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment is more effective and has fewer side effects, but it cannot guarantee a complete cure. At present, many people with diabetes can gradually get rid of hypoglycemic drugs by improving their lifestyle. It is recommended that patients start from the level of lifestyle habits such as diet and exercise.

Two, 5 prescriptions for lowering blood sugar

1. Shengdi Shouwu Soup


Take 15 grams of Rehmannia glutinosa and 10 grams of Polygonum multiflorum. Take it together with a decoction of clear water, one dose per day. Habitat has the effects of nourishing yin, nourishing body fluid, clearing heat and cooling blood, and Polygonum multiflorum has the effects of nourishing liver and blood, nourishing kidney and nourishing essence. Shengdi Shouwu Decoction can improve diabetes caused by liver and kidney yin deficiency.

2. Corn beard and winter melon skin water

Take 30 grams each of corn silk and wax gourd skin, add water to a boil, simmer for 10 minutes on low heat, 1 dose per day. Corn silk has the functions of diminishing swelling, clearing heat and cooling blood, and wax gourd skin has the functions of reducing swelling and hydration, clearing heat and detoxification. Corn silk and wax gourd peel soup can effectively improve damp-heat physique, and has a certain regulating effect on blood sugar, blood pressure and blood lipids.

3. Mulberry Leaf Eucommia Leaf Water


Take 5 grams each of mulberry leaves and eucommia ulmoides leaves , brew together with boiling water, cover and simmer for 10 minutes before drinking, 1 dose per day. Mulberry leaves have the effects of clearing the lungs and moisturizing dryness, calming the liver and cooling blood, and eucommia leaves have the effects of invigorating the liver and kidney. Mulberry leaf and eucommia ulmoides leaf water can effectively improve diabetes caused by dryness of the lungs and body fluids or yin deficiency and fire. It also has a certain regulating effect on hypertension and hyperlipidemia.

4. Astragalus mulberry water

Take 15 grams of astragalus and 20 grams of dried mulberries, and take them together with a decoction of water, one dose per day. Astragalus has the effects of invigorating qi, hydrating and reducing swelling, and mulberry has the effects of nourishing yin and blood, nourishing liver and kidney. Astragalus mulberry water can improve diabetes caused by deficiency of both Qi and Yin.

5. Yam and Poria water

Take 20 grams of dried yam and 15 grams of Poria, and take it together with a decoction of water, one dose per day. Chinese yam has the effect of invigorating the spleen and kidney, and Poria has the effect of invigorating the spleen and dampness. Yam Poria water can improve diabetes caused by spleen deficiency and dampness.

Conclusion: Through the above introduction, I believe that everyone already knows that there are no miraculous prescriptions for curing diabetes. Don't blindly believe some gossip. Only by establishing good living habits, using diet and exercise, can we promote physical recovery.

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